Randi Weingarten melting down over dismantling of federal Department of Ed, howling and wailing that Orange Man Bad Trump is taking education away from disadvantaged kids: Hey, lady! Every. Single . State. Has. Its. Own. Department. Of. Education. Not to mention all the local boards of education. Schools aren't going to close. Education will still be there. Teachers will still be teaching. Just not mired in red tape. Stop the hysterics.
FINAL DAY to receive a surprise if you are attending this weekend’ show. . RESPOND NOW!
Looking forward to seeing everyone at either or BOTH/ shows!!! Let us know which one you plan on attending and we will hook you up with a sweet new membership exclusive for active supporters that even the Dems will want!!! Reply to this post on which date(s) you are attending and we will get back to you with details....
For those of you attending later events this year...don't worry we have not forgotten about you!!!
For @johnconner2046 , May he be well and return to us soon. In his honor a joke and some memes(including some JD Vance memes).
Little Johnny had a sister whose name was Little Joanny
A mother asks her daughter Little Joanny what she wants for Christmas. Her Little Joanny thinks for a moment and then says, "I want a Barbie and a GI Joe."
"But I thought Barbie comes with Ken?" replies the mother.
"Nah" says the Little Joanny. "She fakes it with Ken. She comes with GI Joe."
Today we celebrate my favorite movie director. I even had his record where he read scary stories when I was a kid. Wore that record out. What is your favorite Hitchcock movie? Mine is in the comments