The Gutter
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Today is a one-day spending boycott to protest the rollback of DEI. No gas. No fast food. No grocery shopping. No credit cards.

What are you all buying today?
I’ll go first. I have a bunch of t-shirts in my Uniqlo basket from last night. Going to push the button “ buy now”! I’ll fill up my gas tank and go out to lunch after our hike.

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Imagineering Owl

Love some Nightmare on Wax and my little feathery friend. She is like clockwork. Always in the tree around this time of day.


Congratulations to @Benzie. Your question was chosen for tonight’s Gutfeld!

@Benzie If you could be on the cover of a magazine what magazine would you choose?

We’re in CaHOOTS

For those of you who are interested, the owls have returned to last year’s nest. The neighbors are so thrilled!! I’m being a tad sarcastic. I caught one flying to the window box Thursday evening and then to the tree in the video below. They moved all the fake flowers in the window box to make room for the growing family. No eggs yet. Just prep work.
As for my sarcasm, their daughter had to move out of her room last year due to all the owl noise. Her parents were thrilled to have a new roommate. And once the owls left the nest, they left a very disgusting, smelly mess.


Congratulations to @Traveller1. Your question was chosen for tonight’s Gutfeld!

@Traveller1: If you could take one thing that is bad for you and make it good for you, what would it be?

1 minute ago

13 years without the venerable Andrew Breitbart

Trump Playing to the Inside Straight

A must watch!!!!

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