The Gutter
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I need some advice, but don’t let me interrupt your viewing of the five tonight. If you know any answers, you can reply after the five because we have to watch Greg‘s return.

All right so I’ve asked AI and I’ve asked Siri. I’m getting conflicting answers.

There’s somehow moisture or water trapped behind my kitchen sink to the outer wall that has created a musty mildew smell, and has saturated my cabinets at the bottom so

Who do I call? Do I call a general contractor? Do I call a plumber? Do I call….?

I’m going to have to remodel the kitchen. I wasn’t planning on doing it so soon this year, but it was slated for this year. I just don’t know where to start.

All of the existing cabinetry has to be ripped out and then we’ll take care of the leak and there, residual mildew, etc.

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Tuesday's Treats

What will you be snacking on during Trump's address to Congress?
I'm sure a glass of wine will be accompanying my homemade vanilla ice cream. And to tell you the truth, I don't know if this will be stress eating or fun eating. I hope the Dems behave.


Congratulations to @Traveller1. Your question was chosen for tonight’s Gutfeld!

@Traveller1: If you could take one thing that is bad for you and make it good for you, what would it be?

Imagineering Owl

Love some Nightmare on Wax and my little feathery friend. She is like clockwork. Always in the tree around this time of day.

Ask Greg and the Panelists on Gutfeld!

Post your questions below for Fridays Panelists on Gutfeld!

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Ya know, I suppose it wasn’t that hard for all those heartless democrats not to show any emotion for a sick kid who just wants to grow up to be a cop. After all, they show no emotion for an unborn baby who just wants to be a kid. 🤬

3 hours ago

I’m not a man who has ever competed a SPELLING BEE but I play one in my spare time.

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