The Gutter
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December 04, 2024

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WINNER UPDATE: Enter you must, brave souls. A contest, this is.

@jmarkers, the winner is. Correct guess, 122 Star Wars ornaments.
@jmarkers Keep an eye out for an email from a Gutter team member
Thank you everyone for participating!

Celebrate your Christmas spirit, you must. A prize of great value await, the worthy. Enter with heart full of cheer.
Guess how many tree ornaments there are on our tree. Exact guess or closest to not going over, a prize win you will. Fun, you must have!

One entry per person. First CORRECT guess or closest without going over wins. Contest ends December 3rd midnight, Eastern Standard time.


Congrats to three of our gutters. Your questions were chosen for tonight's Thanksgiving. Eve show:

@wilbner Are you an early, on time, or late person? @kargen What car did you learn to drive in?
@kenleek What was your worst day in grade school and why was it so?

This will be a two part posting. Could not upload the full segment in one shot. And yes, these were not questions that were on today's Ask Greg posting. We will save those for another day. Thank you for participating.


Here are the other two winning ASK GREG questions:
@wilbner Are you an early, on time, or late person?
@kargen What car did you learn to drive in?

December 05, 2024
Ask Tyrus & The Panelists!

Yup - Now's your chance to ask the Big Guy & The Panelists on Friday's GUTFELD! all those burning questions rattling around in your head. Post your questions below.

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Those wishing to destroy high achieving individuals, do so from envy, a sense of uselessness & life without purpose. its the clearest pattern of human failure, embraced by those in the same self-imposed prison.

...please forward to guilty parties whenever necessary!

This is already pissing me off.

They are going to find him guilty of something and that is evil. New York deserves to slide into the abyss.

They need to ask members of the jury is if one of the reasons they found him guilty of something is fear of riots. That would be enough fo a mistrial.

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