The Gutter
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Congrats to three of our gutters. Your questions were chosen for tonight's Thanksgiving. Eve show:

@wilbner Are you an early, on time, or late person? @kargen What car did you learn to drive in?
@kenleek What was your worst day in grade school and why was it so?

This will be a two part posting. Could not upload the full segment in one shot. And yes, these were not questions that were on today's Ask Greg posting. We will save those for another day. Thank you for participating.


Here are the other two winning ASK GREG questions:
@wilbner Are you an early, on time, or late person?
@kargen What car did you learn to drive in?

Guess who showed up for dinner?

Can't even catch a break while away...Enjoy the clip!


Thank you President Biden, now you’ve set the precedent for resolving politically motivated lawfare, I’m looking forward to President Trump’s multiple pardons! Start with every single J6 political prisoner, then Giuliani, Navarro, Bannon, Penny, and anyone else the Democrats persecuted for illegal, set up reasons.

1 hour ago

Just ONE MORE LIE by the admin and never challenged by the MSM.
If the latter had any self-respect, they'd ask Jojo WHY he did it when he swore he wouldn't.
Then again, how many times can you listen to "Because I love him too much."?

post photo preview

Okay, now for the non-political

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