Today is finally here. Make yours and your friends and family vote count. Put Trump back in charge--there is no other choice..
Congratulations @Diabolicaldame your question was chosen tonight:
What TV character burst your bubble when you saw them out of character?
A special thank you to @ajwimsatt for providing the video.
Stunned that people feel that if Trump decided to stay in office after this term that all those "deranged Trump fanatics" would chant and cheer.
Trump followers, first and foremost, are believers in the Constitution. We would be the first to turn against him if he wanted to stay in power after his second term. We are the group of Law and Order. Even at the Insurrection they didn't bring guns because it was against the laws of the District of Columbia.
Not sure what it will take to change your states voting rules , but get involved.
No more Dominion , No more Touchscreen Ballots. No more extended Elections .
One day Paper Ballot , Hand Counts , Voter ID and Registration with a Thumbprint on Ballot .
If you can't make arrangements once every four years to vote , well I guess you don't want to vote to damn bad.
This 1000 different rules for every state to be different is BS.
So the left spent over a billion in cash and got every network behind what they all knew was a extremely defective candidate .
For what .
Just to hang on to power .
We won ....
But . "Theres many a slip t'wixt the cup and the lip".
We have to stay on it and be ready for anything between now and J 20.