So the left spent over a billion in cash and got every network behind what they all knew was a extremely defective candidate .
For what .
Just to hang on to power .
We won ....
But . "Theres many a slip t'wixt the cup and the lip".
We have to stay on it and be ready for anything between now and J 20.
Today is finally here. Make yours and your friends and family vote count. Put Trump back in charge--there is no other choice..
Congratulations @Diabolicaldame your question was chosen tonight:
What TV character burst your bubble when you saw them out of character?
A special thank you to @ajwimsatt for providing the video.
Not sure what it will take to change your states voting rules , but get involved.
No more Dominion , No more Touchscreen Ballots. No more extended Elections .
One day Paper Ballot , Hand Counts , Voter ID and Registration with a Thumbprint on Ballot .
If you can't make arrangements once every four years to vote , well I guess you don't want to vote to damn bad.
This 1000 different rules for every state to be different is BS.
Election 2024 Afterthoughts:
Okay gang, we’re feeling pretty good about the Trump victory, and the other GOP seats gained, as well we should. We beat the Democrat machine, including the party, mainstream news, and the pathetic shows like The View. There is one more takeaway to feel good about if you haven’t considered it yet: globalist miscreants like the Soros Family, who made major contributions towards the one billion dollar plus financial fuel for the machine to try handing the checkered flag to Cackles and defeat other GOP candidates like Ted Cruz, just flushed their money down the commode. Just like with Hillary in ‘16. Felt like sharing this point, just in case it may make you feel even better like it did me.
I am grateful for another day in America.
I am grateful for unusually warm weather and clear skies.
I am overjoyed with gratitude to welcome my new great niece, born to my nephew/godson and his wife at 1:47 this morning, weighing 7 lb, 8 oz. She is yet to be named.
Update - her name is Andrea Brittany
Namaste as you journey through your day 🌞 Happy Birthday, Pretty Girl