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Attn: Kamala Harris and any who still support her campaign

Kamala, I know you think they love you. I know you think you are the sainted first female, first Black woman, Indian, Jamaican, California born, Canadian raised, never got a vote next president of the United States. I know you believe this is a result of the great joy that was unleashed when you rose to position after the demise of the cadaver president, when you saw everyone celebrating you as the new nominee and the next generation of leadership here in our beloved country.

But I am here to tell you that you were wrong, Kamala. You were wrong, they were wrong and all of those who grabbed on to your tattered coattails dreaming of a tampon dispenser in the Executive White House Lavatory were wrong. You were wrong because you misinterpreted that feeling of what you called joy. That wasn't joy at all. No Ma'am. What that was, it was relief.

Relief that they didn't have to vote for a man whose dementia and deterioration could no longer be denied, and could not be excused as a "bad debate", hard as you all have tried. Relief that they could continue to wear the "Democrat" label without complete embarrassment and shame. (for awhile anyway). And relief that they wouldn't be responsible for sending the bad orange man back to the White House.

They didn't have to like you, Kamala, they just had to hold their noses and vote for you. How bad could it be? Well, hard as you tried not to answer any questions these past three months, you certainly answered that question for all of us, madame VP. And for that I thank you, because now so many more Americans can see why you never got a single vote, why you were selected to exist in the shadow of a decrepit waste of a president, and why, if the result of the next ten days of this election period declare you as the winner, no one, and I mean no one, will believe that those results weren't achieved by a despicable, evil and completely illegal method of cheating us, the American Patriots who have been putting up with the abuse of the last four years, out of a chance to Make America Great Again. Again.

So, do what you will in the next week and a half, Kamala. Do it knowing that it wasn't you who they were celebrating. It could have been anyone, anything, that would spark the relief that you chose to interpret as joy. No Kamala. You do not spark joy. And thankfully we all know that now.

True joy will ensue when our country is returned to an administration that cares about all of us. One that releases you and yours from the business of hurting us any more. One that returns the millions of strangers you have thrust upon us to a place where they will be responsible for themselves, and from where they may choose to join us legally and as solid citizens of our country, through proper channels and means. An administration that respects us, utilizes our resources in support of us, and who put America First each and every day of the year. Then there will be joy, in Mudville and every other town.

There will be nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, and the guilt and the shame that you and all of yours bear as a result of your pompous neglect of the citizens of this great country will be more difficult to bear than any punishment you fear, and that you know to be just. May God forgive you, for you will not get much forgiveness here.

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My daughter turned 18 in August. She voted early yesterday (FL)…. She said “dad, I can’t vote for someone who throws the word “Nazi” around. Kamala obviously doesn’t know what it is or what it stood-stands for.” .Plus… my son (can’t vote yet) believes that the right are the rebels..

I feel like I did my job as a father.

Do Black people not remember Joe Biden, OUR PRESIDENT's own words prior to Obama being elected,, him saying how "clean looking, and well spoken a Negro he was "????? I REMEMBER LIKE YESTERDAY HIS WORDS! Kamala Harris herself even called out HIS RECORD OF RACISM. Yet now Trump is HITLER?? Fuck this shit. REPLAY THOSE MOMENTS AS ADS,, WHERE ARE THOSE ADS?????????? Can anyone explain why those ads aren't being run ,, haven't been run, WHY NOT??????? TRUMP NEEDS ME ON HIS TEAM,, WHAT YA'LL THINK? HAHAHA!!!!



@Polarize54321 ,
@B_Ellen ,
@Arius-Trychus ,
@Bunny3k ,

@Danelle68 ,
@padutchprincess ,
@mmacneill ,
@Traveller1 ,

@Arcadian ,
@Deplorabelle ,
@marciswann ,
@debdurand ,


@bmemsley ,



@myafundsarlow ,

So I’m getting loaded up and ready to head to the woods. Tonight I’m using my mom’s 1970s electric skillet to sear my meat (miss you mom 😢) before I grill it. Spending the next 10 days preparing for the 💩 to hit the fan because I’m POSITIVE the fix is in. Greed and power motivated the deep state last time. This time it’s fear. That means nothing is off the table.

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