The Gutter
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The Democratic Party is filled with Stolen Valor and lying on resumes. When this happens on the Republican side...we throw the bum out (ie George Santos), the Democrats have no shame and no standards.

I have no doubt that she got this job as a reward for sex with Willie Brown, and considering how poor her verbal skills are, I can't believe she ever made a closing argument.

And she never worked at McDonalds either.

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September 23, 2024
Gutfeld Therapy Begins
September 23, 2024
Gutter Gathering Night Two

Come meet the Gutter Family
Many thanks to Denise @Pughduo for assisting the Gutter Gathering.
Oh, please ignore the obnoxious yelling lady in the background.
@Bunny3k, @Patriotcat, @DPeltier, @ThisIsMousie, @SageSooner, @cgratz319, @Rugsie

UPDATE: Where Were You August 21,1988

No winners!!! He got me a head scratcher because I'm always asking him to scratch my head at night.

We got married! 36 years. And, yes , Greg walked me down the aisle. If you can guess what Mark's gift to me was, you will win a prize. Good luck! It will be impossible!!!

Congrats to Soup1948 Your Question was Chosen on Gutfeld!

Here’s the question from last night’s Gutfeld:

If you could do just one thing to bring you historical or hysterical notariety what would it be and why?

Four years ago I ventured into the cyber world of SocialMedia and joined the Gutter. I thought it would be good to have some dialigue with conservative folks over the 2020 election. Here I am in 2024 doing more of the same at this critical point in history. Amidst the food, fun, music, and political banter I have made many personal connections with very decent folks. You know who you are. So vote, vent, and verbalize while you can. Thank you Greg for giving us this little corner of the metaverse (I remember when I would get an occasional LIKE from the bloke)!

Our family used to go picnic here for the day. We'd put our watermelon in the cool creek to get it cold. It was a miracle to 7 year old me that I could stand in actual dinosaur footprints. Still is, come to think of it. Hope with all the rain we've had this summer that it will fill back up.

Dinosaur Prints at Dinosaur Valley State park, Glen Rose, TX on the Paluxy River.

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