The Gutter
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Consider this your local bar, where drinking is encouraged, fans are welcome and trolls get bounced. I look forward to seeing you there.
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I am grateful for another day in America.
I am grateful for a weekend off and time to relax and rejuvenate.
I am grateful for time to myself.

Namaste as you journey through your day 🌞 Happy Drink Beer Day!

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September 23, 2024
Gutfeld Therapy Begins
September 23, 2024
Gutter Gathering Night Two

Come meet the Gutter Family
Many thanks to Denise @Pughduo for assisting the Gutter Gathering.
Oh, please ignore the obnoxious yelling lady in the background.
@Bunny3k, @Patriotcat, @DPeltier, @ThisIsMousie, @SageSooner, @cgratz319, @Rugsie

UPDATE: Where Were You August 21,1988

No winners!!! He got me a head scratcher because I'm always asking him to scratch my head at night.

We got married! 36 years. And, yes , Greg walked me down the aisle. If you can guess what Mark's gift to me was, you will win a prize. Good luck! It will be impossible!!!


The Fam. Best weekend ever.

Les and Mark’ s son, Garrett, Mark, Les, Greg, Les and Mark’s daughter, Reagan, my husband, Jeff, and I.

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Off to Another Show
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The biden administration says that they are vetting all the illegals they let in.
Yet they let in a 1/2 million criminals and who knows how many terrorist ,
So does that mean they let them in on purpose or do they just really suck at vetting .
We can't trust anyone that has been made a citizen , issued a visa or green card or granted any sort of made up legal status under jo & kami's immigration policy's .
Along with the mass deportation of all illegals Trump needs to revoke all legal status of immigrants granted the last 4 years if not longer.

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