The modern thinking of the miserable mind believes that dividing your time between your duties to our families, our work, our communities, our God, and getting our own lives presentable is morally wrong - emblematic of selfishness and privilege.
But what happens to all those hours that were once devoted to that? How do you fill up that time when all those elements which make for a challenging but satisfying life are considered anathema?
Once you remove those priorities, you're left with "you." And that "you" is a relentless chaos of anxiety, fear, self-pity and perhaps worst of all: envy. An envy directed at all those who still believe in those duties you have abandoned.
it's not the simplest equation to reverse, but it's our responsibility to help that reversal take place.
For those of you who are interested, the owls have returned to last year’s nest. The neighbors are so thrilled!! I’m being a tad sarcastic. I caught one flying to the window box Thursday evening and then to the tree in the video below. They moved all the fake flowers in the window box to make room for the growing family. No eggs yet. Just prep work.
As for my sarcasm, their daughter had to move out of her room last year due to all the owl noise. Her parents were thrilled to have a new roommate. And once the owls left the nest, they left a very disgusting, smelly mess.
Congratulations to @Benzie. Your question was chosen for tonight’s Gutfeld!
@Benzie If you could be on the cover of a magazine what magazine would you choose?