The Gutter
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So, if it takes Biden 2 weeks of preparation to sound coherent for 90 minutes, how much will it take him to be coherent for a full day? A week? A month? The rest of this term? A new 4 year term? Sorry Joe, we don’t have that much time to wait.

Edit: Hint: It will take Joe 32 weeks for one 24 hour day.

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Look whooooos back taking a bath this Early Saturday morning. His or her companion is just above the waterfall hanging on the fence. I apologize for not the best video.

I'm No Longer a Prisoner

Mark wanting to save the shackle band from the Prisoner bottle.

Well, Owl be Damned! The Wings Work.

I apologize. I had to take a video of my home cameras video. The little guy took off again around 930 this morning. I don’t know where he went but the other one is still on my neighbors roof. Hope momma found him. And, no, there were no signs of an attack



Anything going on tonight??

2 hours ago

A) Watch out for the sandbag when you leave the podium, Joe.
B) Which one of your 16 advisors told you that was a smart thing to say?
C) YOUR OWN DOJ said you had a poor memory...
D) Yes, I'm a CONVICTED FELON, Joe, but ask yourself: how is it that you're losing so badly in the polls to a CONVICTED FELON? The American people know!
E) Are you SURE of that, Joe? As sure as you were that the LAPTOP was RUSSIAN DISINFORMATION? As sure as you were that HUNTER had never made money from CHINA?
F) So you won't get a drug test tonight, huh Joe? Well, like father like son...
G) Joe, when all the bribes, influence peddling, and money laundering that your family did comes out in the wash, mark my words, you will go down in history as the most dishonest, the most corrupt, and the worst President in History...
H) Take your time, Joe, I know you don't have your file cards with you.
I) Wow, look at that, Joe TOOK A PAUSE...And he didn't even read it out loud this time...
J) So Joe...When are you ...

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