The Gutter
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GG Book Cover Challenge

By now you know what the big announcement was and have hopefully gotten a good look at what we think is the BEST BOOK cover ever in the history of all book covers. The Challenge... Submit the complete list of characters visible on the cover in this thread. We'll randomly select 5 who get the entire list correct. Good Luck!

And while you're at it don't forget to Pre-Order your book !

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Hoot Hoot! I’m Way Too Cute.
Naked Man…..well almost

Here you go @myafundsarlow. Look closely

Owl-iciously Adorable

Momma hasn’t come home since last night.

UPDATE: momma returned!


Watchin all the protest ...
There is a whole generation of women who will never breed.
Good thing.

Is anyone primarying the squad ?
Those useless POS's do not belong in office , much less this country .
Why are they not being impeached.

I keep seeing these ads by the ACLU begging for money. So that got me wondering: WHERE'S THE ACLU?!!! According to their website: "The ACLU works in courts, legislatures, and communities to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties that the Constitution and the laws of the United States guarantee everyone in this country." Everyone?! I guess we can ad Jews to the list of "individuals" that are not part of "everyone".

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