The Gutter
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Consider this your local bar, where drinking is encouraged, fans are welcome and trolls get bounced. I look forward to seeing you there.
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Tonight’s Guests - GUTFELD!

TONIGHT! @greggutfeld welcomes @CarleyShimkus, @BryanDeanWright, @KatTimpf and @joemachi. 11pm ET on @FoxNews. DON'T MISS IT!!

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Sunny Skies and Feathery Highs

Here's papa keeping an eye on things this morning. All the spring flowers are getting in the way😜
Music swimswimswim by Tosca...@apalm

Ask Greg Winning Question

Congratulations to @Pinkie. Your question was chosen for tonight’s ASK GREG.

@Pinkie: What misuse of grammar annoys you the most when people are speaking?


Congratulations to @steve-allen. Your question was chosen For tonight‘s Gutfeld!

@Steve-Allen: What do you wish you would have done more of when you were young?

Photos from Indianapolis! And Exclusive Offer for Gutter Supporters!

Thank you to all the fans that came out and a SPECIAL THANK YOU to the GUTTER Supporters who made it as well @FrankieColumbo, @Jriltex , @Boilersue !

Starting in Knoxville - Supporters that check in will recieve GUTTER VIP Loyalty cards. These are individually numbered and will be valid for special offers at GUTFELD Live Events. These will only be valid for Active Supporters. As the shows get closer we'll start threads so those attending can sign up. Once again, we can't do any of this without you and we appreciate all the support! Last weekend was AMAZING!

If you haven't purchased your ticket yet, what are you waiting for? ;) We look forward to seeing you on the road. Ticket info for our shows - grab your tickets before they sell out!

Sat April 26 Knoxville Civic Auditorium and Coliseum, Knoxville, TN w/Tyler
Sun April 27 Spartanburg Memorial Auditorium, Spartanburg, SC w/Tyler

Sat May 17 Truist Arena, Highland Heights, KY – Cincinnati, OH w/Jeff
Sun May ...

I have froze and crashed 2 laptops in the past 2 months tryin to log into the Gutter.
I hope this isnt the third.
Took the two into the shop , they are trash .
Got froze out last nite til right now.
If you don't see me in about 12 minutes ...
Number 3 is toast.
They don't know what caused it , but did find a IP address that wasnt mine .
So a hacker that doesnt want me on The Gutter ? Hummmm

The dims can scream and bitch about everything Trump has done ...
But the truth is , what they are really pissed about is Trump has made the "Majority " the "Majority" again .
No more 20 - 80 rule .
Its now 80-20 like its supposed to be.
Of course the 20 can join the 80 and we can all just be Americans .
Or they can fight a losin battle .
No more minority rule.

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