Well, if my cards are correct, SCOTUS will see a resignation/retirement on the grounds of “medical necessity.” However, there are Republican eyes 👀 watching the court. I’m quite surprised at the severity of these cards. There’s an investigation- a police investigation- that discovers deeds not in keeping with the Oath to the Constitution, possible treasonous acts, and a member decides to resign. This comes about around late Summer/Autumn. Some of these things involves the transactions/moving and paying of money.
If I am correct, there’s some very serious issues in this court, and members have gotten away with literally abusing legal migrants, citizens, and everyday citizens who are loyal to the USA. 🇺🇸 This is a shocking reading. Someone on our court is defying our country. And this may never see the light of day- because Trump will find out and use it to his advantage.
Just know this:
If there’s a judge who decides to leave SCOTUS this year, it is not just on medical grounds, there’s actual evidence of serious crime. There’s a huge coverup. And Trump allows a coverup of the coverup to appoint a good, conservative judge to fill the spot.
Congratulations to @steve-allen. Your question was chosen For tonight‘s Gutfeld!
@Steve-Allen: What do you wish you would have done more of when you were young?