The Gutter
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Well, if my cards are correct, SCOTUS will see a resignation/retirement on the grounds of “medical necessity.” However, there are Republican eyes 👀 watching the court. I’m quite surprised at the severity of these cards. There’s an investigation- a police investigation- that discovers deeds not in keeping with the Oath to the Constitution, possible treasonous acts, and a member decides to resign. This comes about around late Summer/Autumn. Some of these things involves the transactions/moving and paying of money.

If I am correct, there’s some very serious issues in this court, and members have gotten away with literally abusing legal migrants, citizens, and everyday citizens who are loyal to the USA. 🇺🇸 This is a shocking reading. Someone on our court is defying our country. And this may never see the light of day- because Trump will find out and use it to his advantage.

Just know this:
If there’s a judge who decides to leave SCOTUS this year, it is not just on medical grounds, there’s actual evidence of serious crime. There’s a huge coverup. And Trump allows a coverup of the coverup to appoint a good, conservative judge to fill the spot.

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Congratulations to @steve-allen. Your question was chosen For tonight‘s Gutfeld!

@Steve-Allen: What do you wish you would have done more of when you were young?

Have an Owl-tastic Hump Day

Congratulations to @Arkangel1028. Your question was chosen for tonight‘s Gutfeld!

What have you strongly believed in for many years, then found out that it was totally wrong?

FYI. For all your loyal ACTIVE supporters, stay tuned. Special announcement coming.


Sorry, they WERE stranded. Don't gaslight us. Scott Kelly.

Are you hearing this dufus Scott Kelly claim that those astronauts had a way home all along, and it had nothing to do with Biden or politics that they were left up there for all these months???

What a jackass.

13 hours ago

Somebody run against and get this guy out of the Senate.
He's a disgrace.

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