Total morons....🤔 Is MORONACY a word? 🤔🙄🤔🤨 WELL IT IS NOW!! 😡 I'm exercising my right to the FREEDOM OF SPELLING WHAT I WANT! 🤣😂😆 My one daughter at 3 yrs old said frustrated.." I'm gettin pisster & pisster !" 🤣😂😆 Couldn't yell at her & still use it 25 yrs later! 😂
Congratulations to @steve-allen. Your question was chosen For tonight‘s Gutfeld!
@Steve-Allen: What do you wish you would have done more of when you were young?
Good morning (just gone afternoon here) to my American cousins.
The last two full days of Winter. Spring begins on Thursday, 9.01 am here, 5.01 am Eastern Time in the USA.
At last.
We've already had almost two weeks of very Spring-like weather here on the English east coast, but clear sunny day-time skies mean night-time frosts at this time of year. We should start to feel a little warmth from the sun next week.
Sad news today that the last of "The Few", Battle of Britain pilot Group Captain John “Paddy” Hemingway has died, aged 105. The Group Captain was just 21 at the time of the Battle of Britain, and went on to fly night-fighters for most of the war. He was shot down four times, but never failed to report for duty.
We don't make them like John Hemingway any more. We just don't.
Tuesday Morning Funnies . . . We miss @KatTimpf: Today is also the Feast of St. Gertrude! Filmed this last year when I had much smaller problems/lowkey a completely different life 😎☘️🌈🆒 https://x.com/kattimpf/status/1901720897951531214?s=57