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Just a little Friday night din din…

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Congratulations to @steve-allen. Your question was chosen For tonight‘s Gutfeld!

@Steve-Allen: What do you wish you would have done more of when you were young?

Have an Owl-tastic Hump Day

Congratulations to @Arkangel1028. Your question was chosen for tonight‘s Gutfeld!

What have you strongly believed in for many years, then found out that it was totally wrong?

FYI. For all your loyal ACTIVE supporters, stay tuned. Special announcement coming.

11 hours ago

Wedding Attire

Well, not only did we decide on ‘bbbbbbbbbbllllllaaaaasccccckkk slacks’, we decided go with a new jacket, and the sleeves have to be lengthened.
Yes, it purple, I’m secure in my manhood…
Besides, purple is the Roman color of the Emperor.

Pictures: the whole outfit, the purple ascot and pocket square. I’m wearing it as a cravat here, not as I will wearing for the wedding

And now for something completely different…really different!!

“Thank you for flying Falcon!” “Thank you for flying Space X!”

“Space flight is the most complex endeavor of our time!”

God Bless Elon and Space X!

(Cool shit!)

They got Moves Like Jagger

Well, maybe not.

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