"We will not give in to threats and will always protect our industries" says Laurent Saint-Martin, French trade minister.
Ooolala! I am so impressed by the fortitude exhibited by this muy macho hombre.
Thank God we have access to great domestic wine and access to awesome wine from Argentina and Chile.
Does anyone have a suggestion for an Argentinan red to use for Beef Bourgunion?
Wedding Attire
Well, not only did we decide on ‘bbbbbbbbbbllllllaaaaasccccckkk slacks’, we decided go with a new jacket, and the sleeves have to be lengthened.
Yes, it purple, I’m secure in my manhood…
Besides, purple is the Roman color of the Emperor.
Pictures: the whole outfit, the purple ascot and pocket square. I’m wearing it as a cravat here, not as I will wearing for the wedding