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Have an Owl-tastic Hump Day

Congratulations to @Arkangel1028. Your question was chosen for tonight‘s Gutfeld!

What have you strongly believed in for many years, then found out that it was totally wrong?

FYI. For all your loyal ACTIVE supporters, stay tuned. Special announcement coming.

Hoot & Deliver

Tonight we have wild caught, pasture-raised Vermin. Yummm

29 seconds ago

"We will not give in to threats and will always protect our industries" says Laurent Saint-Martin, French trade minister.
Ooolala! I am so impressed by the fortitude exhibited by this muy macho hombre.
Thank God we have access to great domestic wine and access to awesome wine from Argentina and Chile.
Does anyone have a suggestion for an Argentinan red to use for Beef Bourgunion?

3 hours ago

He might learn to play the media like DJT...

post photo preview

You know it's a strange world when real headlines start to sound like The Babylon Bee.

She is a UN judge who is a fellow in Columbia's human rights program. Someone should explain to her the definition of human rights.

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