The Gutter
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Well, I’m back. I just have to say it this Delusional 300 year-old politician is that it again she’s saying exactly what they like to do and have done in the past for somebody. Get a little wheelbarrow and take her away. She’s too old to be anywhere.😂

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Have an Owl-tastic Hump Day

Congratulations to @Arkangel1028. Your question was chosen for tonight‘s Gutfeld!

What have you strongly believed in for many years, then found out that it was totally wrong?

FYI. For all your loyal ACTIVE supporters, stay tuned. Special announcement coming.

Hoot & Deliver

Tonight we have wild caught, pasture-raised Vermin. Yummm

2 hours ago

If you've been paying attention, you get it.

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4 hours ago

He might learn to play the media like DJT...

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My wife is sick to death of seeing Khalil. She says she'd rather see Debbie Dingle than that dude. I can't go THAT far

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