The Gutter
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CNN: "The vice president is the epitome of what many Europeans disdain about America"

Good. Fark Europe. They're arresting people for posting memes, embracing open borders, and want us to pay for their wars. Go fix your own shit. 🖕

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Congratulations to @Arkangel1028. Your question was chosen for tonight‘s Gutfeld!

What have you strongly believed in for many years, then found out that it was totally wrong?

FYI. For all your loyal ACTIVE supporters, stay tuned. Special announcement coming.

Hoot & Deliver

Tonight we have wild caught, pasture-raised Vermin. Yummm

Tuesday's Treats

What will you be snacking on during Trump's address to Congress?
I'm sure a glass of wine will be accompanying my homemade vanilla ice cream. And to tell you the truth, I don't know if this will be stress eating or fun eating. I hope the Dems behave.

The IDES of MARCH IS COMING and so is GREG!!!

Looking forward to seeing everyone at either or BOTH/ shows!!! Let us know which one you plan on attending and we will hook you up with a sweet new membership exclusive for active supporters that even the Dems will want!!! Reply to this post on which date(s) you are attending and we will get back to you with details....

For those of you attending later events this year...don't worry we have not forgotten about you!!!

2 hours ago

Hmm 🤔

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2 hours ago

‘Hochul recruitment drive for fired feds set to add hundreds of millions of dollars to already bloated payroll bill’ - NY Post

NY Governor and tough talking dimwit Kathy Hochul decides she will not be pushed around and starts new state department HOGE (Hochul Obliterating Government Efficiency)

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