What will you be snacking on during Trump's address to Congress?
I'm sure a glass of wine will be accompanying my homemade vanilla ice cream. And to tell you the truth, I don't know if this will be stress eating or fun eating. I hope the Dems behave.
I am now officially on record calling for the FIRING of Rachel Maddow and Nicole Wallace of MSNBC. I'M CALLING THE RACE CARD. I'M ALLOWED TO AND SO I AM. I am offended by their remarks about #DJ DANNY and I feel if Joy Reid who is also black was fired,, that these 2 white bitches have said FAR worst so there. It needed to be said and I've said it. RACHEL, NICOLE,, UM BITCHES, YA BOTH FUKIN FIRED. #HANNITY #GUTFELD
@myafundsarlow ,