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Sunday Night Special
JAN 27
Adam Schiff, the most dishonest senator since Joe Biden, said he could not fly with President Trump to California to check on the status of the fires that are burning up his home state because he had to stay behind to vote against President Trump‘s nominee for Secretary of Defense. In the end, Adam’s vote did not matter.

In reality, he did not want to visit the wildfires with President Trump for the same reason he did not visit the disaster area with Governor Newsom. Most of the damage occurred, and is still occurring, in the congressional district Adam Schiff held for years. He cannot face the people whose safety he ignored.

But it is worse. Adam did not just vote against secretary Hegseth, he took to the Senate floor to try to destroy Hegseth’s reputation, proving he is not just dishonest but stupid too.

Now that Pete was confirmed anyway, several of California’s biggest employers, defense contractors, are going to have to debate whether they should stay in that state. Schiff being an asshole just made it much more difficult for their businesses to survive Hurricane Hegseth.

Less than three months ago, the people of California had the opportunity to force Schiff into retirement and instead vote for Steve Garvey, a guy who literally is an All American. They chose instead the only person to ever be censured by the United States House of Representatives for using his position to lie to his constituents.

California is getting exactly that for which they voted. There are no innocent civilians.


Good news for CNN and MSNBC. There will soon be so many unemployed former Pentagon officials willing to trash the current administration that they will be able to get one for about 1/10th of the usual rate.


I have to hand it to the Democrats for consistency. By going after Secretary Hegseth just like they went after President Trump, with smears and lies, in one week they have doubled the number of people in the new administration who are motivated to destroy them.


FYI, the only other time that a presidential cabinet nominee needed the vice presidential vote to get confirmed was when President Trump nominated Betsy DeVos to run the Department of Education. She substantially cut the number of employees in that department. For the first time since Jimmy Carter created the department, she turned in a budget that was less than the previous year’s budget. 20% less.

There is nothing the Democrats hate more than somebody who proves the federal government doesn’t need to be as large as they have made it.


If you think there is any legitimate reason for the Democrats in the Senate to keep delaying confirmation of President Trump‘s nominees, you should be aware that another horrible senator, Corey Booker, stalled the Senate on Friday by reading recipes into the record. That’s a pretty big move for a guy with an eating disorder.


The only thing just as sickening as the Senate Democrats obstructing progress was on the other side of the country. When Air Force One landed on the tarmac, Gavin Newson scurried out to meet the plane in a manner that California hasn’t seen since the Beatles’s plane landed so they could perform on the Ed Sullivan Show. When I saw him waiting at the bottom of the stairs for the airplane door to open I laughed so much I hurt my gut.

There is a possibility Newsom could be almost as dishonest as Adam Schiff.


Now California is overreacting. Instead of having reasonable building codes, they are going to waive all permitting requirements for builders replacing buildings burned in the fires.

Here is some free “legal“ advice: when the next earthquake hits, don’t be anywhere near one of the new buildings in Southern California.


Kristi Noem was confirmed as secretary of the Department of Homeland Security by a much wider margin, 59–34. Some Democrats went home early and didn’t vote. Apparently they do not think homeland security is an important issue.

Nevertheless having Noem as head of Homeland Security has struck fear in the Mexican criminal cartels. Anyone who will shoot her own dog for failing to follow her instructions is going to have no problem whacking Mexicans coming over the border.


Notwithstanding his travels to North Carolina, Nevada and California, President Trump has not taken his foot off of the accelerator. He did something I have been asking him to do since the first year of his first administration: fire the inspectors general.

The the purpose behind the statute creating the inspectors general was to have a an independent monitor overseeing the operations of all of the agencies in such detail as Congress could not do. They were charged with ensuring each agency complied with the law. The most important thing was to keep the inspectors general independent. They are the referees. They cannot also be players.

In reality, the inspectors general became part of the corruption their job was supposed to prevent. They are prohibited from being involved in the activities of their agencies yet the inspector general of the FBI actually participated in the raid on President Trump‘s home.

Long before that, however, the inspectors general in every department had been turning blind eyes to the very activities it was their job to prevent. In the Department of the Interior they allowed regulations designed to protect jobs and preferred contractors, not to follow the statutes under which the regulations were promulgated. In the Department of Justice, the inspector general regularly allowed attorneys and FBI agents to obtain warrants on false information. In the Department of Education, the inspector general allowed department employees to force colleges and universities to discriminate based on race and gender. The list could go on forever.

I always wondered why they allowed somebody to stay in an inspector general position more than four or five years. I cannot understand why the government does not rotate them from agency to agency every year or so to avoid somebody getting too friendly with the people they are inspecting.

Oh wait, I do understand. The powers in control want to keep the dishonest inspectors general in the same position to keep the corruption machine running.

President Trump did the right thing by cleaning house. If you leave bacteria in any spot it will just grow back everywhere. He had do a clean sweep. Secretary Hegseth is about to do the same thing at the department of defense.

What a wonderful world. I cannot wait for this coming week to begin.

© 2025 Robert DuChemin Sr
1440 Place Vendome, Winter Park, Florida

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Ask Tyrus Winning Questions

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Thank you @ajwimsatt for supplying the video!



Thought I'd share this with you all while I'm in the middle of preparing it.

This is bacon as we know it in England, loin meat (often with an inch or two of belly attached) with the rind on.

What you call bacon we call "streaky bacon".

The photos (not white balanced) are what remains of a larger loin joint I finished curing a couple of days ago. There's a belly joint, rind on, curing in the fridge at the moment.

I've cut four thick "chops" off that joint, to be slow-fried on a low heat. We're having our "bacon chops" for dinner with croquet potatoes and garden peas.

We began curing our own bacon (and making our own sausages) not long after getting married, because the shop or supermarket "bacon" became a joke - thin, injected with brine and (impossibly) "cured" in a few hours, then when fried producing some white gunk and lots of water. As far as I was concerned that was just boiling pork, not frying bacon.

You can get proper dry cured bacon from a store, of course, but there's a ...

☕️ More Monday Morning Funnies . . .

Mornin' y'all

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