The Gutter
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I realize I feel terrible. I realize that’s coloring how I post. So if you wanna just pass this on by without reading it, I won’t be offended, but I do have a gripe. I’m trying not to be affected by these commercials for animals that are out in the cold where they show me animals being snowed on or animals out in the heat with flies, crawling all over them And I wonder did I need to see that or did they need to just rescue those animals and tell me what kind of conditions they were found in because it’s just disgusting that they were used in a guilt campaign because what else is it? I know I’m supposed to send money because it’s the holiday and my plate is full and I’m surrounded by love and happiness and family and food and these poor animals don’t know where their next meal is coming from. I’ve been in rescue a long time. Sympathy adoptions don’t last. Let him throw a blanket over the cold ones let them shoo the flies and rescue the ones that are out in the heat, but I don’t need to see it before they do. Some of the ones I rescued were in homes and being treated pretty badly one cat in particular. OK, that’s it. I feel better.

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What will you be snacking on during Trump's address to Congress?
I'm sure a glass of wine will be accompanying my homemade vanilla ice cream. And to tell you the truth, I don't know if this will be stress eating or fun eating. I hope the Dems behave.


Congratulations to @Traveller1. Your question was chosen for tonight’s Gutfeld!

@Traveller1: If you could take one thing that is bad for you and make it good for you, what would it be?

Imagineering Owl

Love some Nightmare on Wax and my little feathery friend. She is like clockwork. Always in the tree around this time of day.

Ask Greg and the Panelists on Gutfeld!

Post your questions below for Fridays Panelists on Gutfeld!

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2 hours ago

I’m not a man who has ever competed a SPELLING BEE but I play one in my spare time.

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And I'd add, the ones who returned physically but lost parts of who they were when they first went over. 🥺🥺

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