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The date is 20 January 2025. Donald Trump has just been sworn in as President. He walks to the mic for his inauguration speech. He looks at Obama and says "You're Fired"

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Congrats to @DunnKruger, @Steve-Allen, and @DebWright. Your questions were chosen for Monday's Ask Tyrus:
@DunnKruger What gives you the Christmas spirit?

@Steve-Allen Among all the gifts for Christmas as a kid, what gift do you still remember the most?

@DebWright What do you do to celebrate the New Year?


Part 2 @PeteH72 winning question:: What are your best and/or worst family holiday tradition?


Congratulations to @njfla, @Sus50, and @PeteH72. Your questions were chosen for tonight’s Gutfeld!

@NJFLA What in life is more effort than worth it?
@PeteH72 What are your best and/or worst family holiday traditions?
@Sus50 What was your favorite holiday comfort food when you were a child, and do you still enjoy it today?


Bear with me for a minute , tryin to figure this out , cause I feel like everyone , yes everyone is lying .
" We need immigration to do the jobs Americans won't do"
"We need to bring in foreign business because we don't have enuf jobs"
"We have to have a welfare system to pay those without jobs"
"We have to pay illegals bills because they can't get jobs"
"We don't need illegals because not enuf jobs for them"
"We have to raise min. wage because it's not enuf to live on"
"We still have to pay supplemental income to the workin poor who even with the raise in min. wage is not enuff to live on"
Hey some politician ...
Boil this down into something that makes sense.

I have hated flyin since the late 70's early 80's ...
People dressed , they knew how to comport themselves in a confined area , were polite to one another , ya gotta nice meal , ya could have a smoke and a cocktail and carry on a conversation with some one from somewhere else , ya had a nice comfy seat the Stewardess 's were attractive and forever helpful , didnt speak like they had a package .
Unlike the flyin Greyhound Buses these days .
Cant stand to fly , even first class aint what it was.

Biden has taken 570 vacation days as president. That’s almost 40% of his term.

Probably a good thing though. If he’d worked those other days, we’d probably all be speaking Chinese right now.

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