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My problem with Pam Bondi ...
It's her role in suing opioid manufactures , pharmacies and distributers in the false narrative that it was killing pain patients by misinforming and misleading the public about the possibility of addiction or death from using their products.
This lawsuit paved the way for the govt. to get involved in a big way with how Dr's are allowed to prescribe pain meds to people who suffer chronic pain.
They all knew the truth that people dying from OD's were recreational users buying street drugs , not from pain patients .
Now we are few years down the road and find it wasnt even legally manufactured pain killers doing the killing , it is fake meds made from Fentanyl sold on the street .The damage has already been done , they will never go back and say they were wrong .
People who suffer chronic pain will continue to suffer chronic pain for no reason .
Other then that .
Go gett'm Pam.

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Congratulations to @NJFLA and @myafundsarlow your questions were chosen for tonight’s Ask Greg:

@NJFLA What’s the “best” mistake you’ve ever made?

@myafundsarlow If you were Jussie Smollet....What would you have done differently to make your hoax more convincing?

Thank you Andrew @ajwimsatt for providing the video.


Congratulations to @KKWinAL, your question was chosen for tonight’s Ask Greg:


Congratulations to @sesame your question was chosen tonight for “Ask Greg”:

What position are you most qualified for if you were to be on President Trumps’s staff?.

Special thanks to @ajwimsatt for the video.

Where are we now?

You have till 8pm eastern standard time. Good luck everyone including @Missmommapanda
Merch will be awarded.

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California Dreamin

Come find me. Where am I? Love a Betty’s marg

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I hope Penny sues the shit out of them.

This case was a disgrace from the start. Can the Mayor/Governor fire these people for not doing their job. Trump ate into the Dems domination by 11 points, couple more years of this and soon Republicans will start winning Statewide.

This will come Chicago and then the enclaves of California.

But we need to clean up elections so they can't cheat.

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