The Gutter
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"No one has ever asked me how I feel about hurricanes before," Kamala Harris said at the time. "I mean, what is a hurricane? You have to think about that, you know? It's a storm. But it's natural. Or is it climate change? I don't like climate change, but I do like nature. And I have to say we all agree in this time that we are in, in this historical moment, that storms happen. I am weathering a storm now. Donald Trump left us the worst economy since the Great Depression..."

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September 23, 2024
Gutfeld Therapy Begins
September 23, 2024
Gutter Gathering Night Two

Come meet the Gutter Family
Many thanks to Denise @Pughduo for assisting the Gutter Gathering.
Oh, please ignore the obnoxious yelling lady in the background.
@Bunny3k, @Patriotcat, @DPeltier, @ThisIsMousie, @SageSooner, @cgratz319, @Rugsie

UPDATE: Where Were You August 21,1988

No winners!!! He got me a head scratcher because I'm always asking him to scratch my head at night.

We got married! 36 years. And, yes , Greg walked me down the aisle. If you can guess what Mark's gift to me was, you will win a prize. Good luck! It will be impossible!!!

Congrats to Soup1948 Your Question was Chosen on Gutfeld!

Here’s the question from last night’s Gutfeld:

If you could do just one thing to bring you historical or hysterical notariety what would it be and why?

The taxpayer money they just gave to Ukraine yesterday = $60 Billion. Hurricane Helene = $15 Billion in damages. Time for the govt to put AMERICA FIRST. They just gave Z four hurricanes worth of free money, for nothing. Yet the taxpayers of Florida are out of luck I guess. AMERICA FIRST.

Been busy and getting ready for some big doings...Getting ready for a visit tomorrow from my 91-year-old mom who I haven't seen since 2011 when I visited her on Long Island. I haven't felt this anxious since playing my first gig....OH MON DIEU !! Got my dates screwed up. She's arriving on Monday 9/30 not tomorrow....🙄😆

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