The Gutter
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Consider this your local bar, where drinking is encouraged, fans are welcome and trolls get bounced. I look forward to seeing you there.
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September 06, 2024
Ask Greg

Congrats @Traveler1 your question was chosen:
If you were force to choose, would you rather be a little bit younger and a little bit dumber, or a little bit older and a little bit smarter?

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UPDATE: Where Were You August 21,1988

No winners!!! He got me a head scratcher because I'm always asking him to scratch my head at night.

We got married! 36 years. And, yes , Greg walked me down the aisle. If you can guess what Mark's gift to me was, you will win a prize. Good luck! It will be impossible!!!

REMINDER: 4th of July Celebration CONTEST

Thank you for watching the video! I hope you enjoyed it.
The Fourth of July marks America’s independence and an opportunity to gather with family and friends for a barbecue. The Gutter is getting in the spirit with a merch giveaway.
1. Submit a picture of your food or drink item you are bringing to your Fourth celebration.
2. For the non-cooks, submit pictures of your 4th of July celebration with your family/ friends.
Post your entries to this thread. All entries are due July 7 at 11:59 East Coast time. One entry per person. You may enter both contests, but can only win one contest.

Fanks for Visiting

We haven't seen snakes for years. Glad he/she is back.

Five More Days!

Thanks for all those that gave me a lot of advice and pointed me to the teachings about craps..I'll try my best to study up...Need some financing😎😎😎


I'm proud of myself. I posted a nine-lives Trump cat meme last night.
A friend said it's fake. It didn't happen.
Instead of arguing with him, I quoted "Welcome to the Machine."
Ah, that felt good. A smart ass without uttering an angry word. 😁

"Welcome my son, welcome to the machine.
What did you dream?
It's alright we told you what to dream."

post photo preview

To the Head of the Secret Service.
In the words of Inigo Montoya...
SECURITY , "You Keep Using That Word. I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means.”.
They need to quit sayin they are guarding Trump , hell a 9 buck a hour rent a cop would do a better job.

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