The Gutter
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July 04, 2024

While patriotically standing on the balcony of the White House, on the birthday of the nation, and while watching a spectacular show of fireworks, the President is filled with only one thought...

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REMINDER: 4th of July Celebration CONTEST

Thank you for watching the video! I hope you enjoyed it.
The Fourth of July marks America’s independence and an opportunity to gather with family and friends for a barbecue. The Gutter is getting in the spirit with a merch giveaway.
1. Submit a picture of your food or drink item you are bringing to your Fourth celebration.
2. For the non-cooks, submit pictures of your 4th of July celebration with your family/ friends.
Post your entries to this thread. All entries are due July 7 at 11:59 East Coast time. One entry per person. You may enter both contests, but can only win one contest.

Fanks for Visiting

We haven't seen snakes for years. Glad he/she is back.


Look whooooos back taking a bath this Early Saturday morning. His or her companion is just above the waterfall hanging on the fence. I apologize for not the best video.

Olympic Memories... American Pride

The Olympic summer games in Paris are less three weeks away and with all that's going on this might be the break we all need before we head into the fall election..."The Games" --we will see triumphs, setbacks, and of course all those back stories that are way too long.....My favorite moment despite all the great stories of the athletes is seeing the America flag hoisted and hearing the Star-spangled Banner played... It always brings a huge pride that is indescribable and just a damn good feeling...GO TEAM USA!!🥲

Would love to hear your favorite moment from the Olympic games... Past, present, future...Share on!!!

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2 hours ago

Breaking News: Joe Biden uses NOTECARDS with PICTURES to find his way ON and OFF-STAGE.
Now MORE Biden picture notecards REVEALED!...(4)

This is a stand alone because it so precisely sums up every complaint I have had about the "experts" for the past decade. They always imply the "science is settled" and you should just shut up and believe what the experts say.
As a scientist, I have been crushed to hear the stupidity...that you are not supposed to question. My most concerning moment came when they started to dictate masks. I looked up the studies for using masks for viruses...and they all said they were useless...especially for lay people who wouldn't use/fit them properly. I then went back to those studies a few weeks later and they had been taken down...WTF. And not because the data was found to be faulty, but for political reasons.

Fooled one time is a lesson, fooled twice is a choice...never again.

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