The Gutter
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Consider this your local bar, where drinking is encouraged, fans are welcome and trolls get bounced. I look forward to seeing you there.
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Today is the last day some idiots will enjoy having all 10 fingers

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REMINDER: 4th of July Celebration CONTEST

Thank you for watching the video! I hope you enjoyed it.
The Fourth of July marks America’s independence and an opportunity to gather with family and friends for a barbecue. The Gutter is getting in the spirit with a merch giveaway.
1. Submit a picture of your food or drink item you are bringing to your Fourth celebration.
2. For the non-cooks, submit pictures of your 4th of July celebration with your family/ friends.
Post your entries to this thread. All entries are due July 7 at 11:59 East Coast time. One entry per person. You may enter both contests, but can only win one contest.

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We haven't seen snakes for years. Glad he/she is back.


Look whooooos back taking a bath this Early Saturday morning. His or her companion is just above the waterfall hanging on the fence. I apologize for not the best video.


Stop the bullshit ! This isn't a "flash mob", it's not a smash and it for what it is. This is Organized looting by a certain demographic... and in the name of not stigmatizing a specific group of people they avoid the term LOOTING.
This went on for 45 minutes. Where the f**k are the police. It's only a matter of time before we become a police state. This is all by design to abolish the police and put in the military. It's a power grab by leftwing politicians and dictators like Greasy Gavone Newscum, looking for any excuse to implement Marshalle law. It's coming...Look for rioting to start if law enforcement is told to intervene with these looters who are being told they are entitled to free stuff.

3 hours ago

5 lite

All contracts to make our solar panels went to Chinese companies. Biden's donors were tipped off to buy stock in them. Biden, China, and billionaires got rich. Americans got dicked. Joe is a traitor.

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