The Gutter
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Consider this your local bar, where drinking is encouraged, fans are welcome and trolls get bounced. I look forward to seeing you there.
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In answer to Mrs. S post @MrsS
About young lib women being the most mentally ill
I believe it .
Never once have I worn a Vagina Hat in a march .
Never once have I dumped Red Paint on myself to prove a point .
Never have I glued my self to priceless artwork because I didnt want other people to drive.
Never have I turned on my fellow countryman and befriended foreign born antiemetics to protest a war they started.
Never have I studied for a degree in gender studies and thought I accomplished something.
The list is longer then I thought😅😅😅😅

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4th of July Celebration

Thank you for watching the video! I hope you enjoyed it.
The Fourth of July marks America’s independence and an opportunity to gather with family and friends for a barbecue. The Gutter is getting in the spirit with a merch giveaway.
1. Submit a picture of your food or drink item you are bringing to your Fourth celebration.
2. For the non-cooks, submit pictures of your 4th of July celebration with your family/ friends.
Post your entries to this thread. All entries are due July 7 at 11:59 East Coast time. One entry per person. You may enter both contests, but can only win one contest.

Fanks for Visiting

We haven't seen snakes for years. Glad he/she is back.


Look whooooos back taking a bath this Early Saturday morning. His or her companion is just above the waterfall hanging on the fence. I apologize for not the best video.


There’s NO WAY Biden’s handlers, the ones actually running the government, were surprised at his debate performance. They’re around Joe every day and know his brain is pudding. Which means they expected his meltdown and, therefore, have a contingency plan in place. (and it ain’t Kamala). Sneaky shenanigans are coming soon.

The dogs not barking....
1) Metoo has disappeared (ever since all that they find are liberals and the illegals that the liberal policies allow to cross the southern border undocumented)
2) ANTIFA has been muted for the election
3) BLM has been muted for the election

All that remains are the "Free Palestine" groupies and the LGBTetcetcetc that supports them (now THERE is a pair of strange bedfellows if there ever were strange bedfellows).

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