The Gutter
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Here’s something that arrived with no recollection of me ordering it

So, I know it’s a sound bar BUT it’s huge and heavy.

What size TV you think it’s to?

I know I had planned on looking to upgrade my family room system for a bigger TV so I know I did in fact order it. But why didn’t I order the TV?

So that’s the dilemma.
Is it too big? And do i have to get a different subwoofer ?

Someone needs to take my devices away late night

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I'm No Longer a Prisoner

Mark wanting to save the shackle band from the Prisoner bottle.

Well, Owl be Damned! The Wings Work.

I apologize. I had to take a video of my home cameras video. The little guy took off again around 930 this morning. I don’t know where he went but the other one is still on my neighbors roof. Hope momma found him. And, no, there were no signs of an attack


CHALLENGE: Make the video recipe, add your pictures and reviews to this THREAD. Post by JUNE 1 and I'll pick a couple of winners. Recipe will be below in the comment section.

Listen to the end!

Have fun! Now, let’s get to it!

11 hours ago

I’m not a man without FILTERS but I play one in my spare time.



12 hours ago

I’m not a Professional Wildlife Photographer but I play one in my spare time.

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I commented on another post with this, but I thought it worthy of being posted on its own. With all of the wonderings about the coming debate, here are my thoughts around whether it will happen at all.

It will happen. Here's why:

This "debate" is going to determine how much longer the cadaver will remain in the race.

If Joe does well, they will drag him to the finish with a constant reminder of how he did so well against the horrible 34 times convicted felon. Then, once they have taken the election and been installed into their second term, old Joe will come to realize that he is indeed not well enough to continue and he will resign. After all of the terrible treatment he received at the hands of the MAGA monsters and their brutal terrorist leader, he just won't be able to go on and Kamala will take over. Or perhaps someone else.

If Joe does not do well in the debate, he will be nominated just a short while later at the convention, and he will come to realize that he is indeed ...

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