The Gutter
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May 04, 2024

@APalm Hey, AP! Finally got to those 'deep purple' nails with a splash of pink!!! Toes fixed, hair tomorrow, hopefully find some good anti-wrinkle cream (😂), start on my summer tan and finish with arms like Linda H in Terminator 2-I will be an unstoppable semi-old but raging 'Go Getter'!!! 🤣🤣🤣 If they think I'm gonna sit around they got another thing coming. 😝

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Well, Owl be Damned! The Wings Work.

I apologize. I had to take a video of my home cameras video. The little guy took off again around 930 this morning. I don’t know where he went but the other one is still on my neighbors roof. Hope momma found him. And, no, there were no signs of an attack

REMINDER Contest UPDATE: Cinco De Mayo pix Entries due TODAY!!

CHALLENG 1: Make the video recipe, add your pictures and reviews to this THREAD. Post by JUNE 1 and I'll pick a couple of winners. Recipe will be below in the comment section.

CHALLENGE 2: Share your Cinco De Mayo celebration pictures. Two lucky Gutters will receive Gutter merch. Please post on THIS thread by Tuesday May 7.

Recipe will be below in the comment sections:)

Listen to the end! Details will follow soon.

Have fun! Now, let’s get to it!

Hoot Hoot! I’m Way Too Cute.

At the court of a small provincial town, a lawyer calls his first witness, an old woman around 80 and he asks her with a professional style: "Do you know me, Mrs. Rowland?"
"Of course, I know you Mr. Smith! says the old woman. I know you since you were little, and I have to confess that I am very disappointed in you. You lie, you cheat on your wife repeatedly, you gossip about your clients. Of course, I know you!"

Speechless, by the unexpected answer, the lawyer points with his finger on the other side of the court room and says: "Do you know the defense lawyer?"
"Oh, yes! I know Mr. Soft as well. I was holding him in my arms when he was a baby, and I can say that I am disappointed in him, too. He’s a drunk and a gamester. He finds it hard to develop a normal relationship with anyone and he is one of the worst lawyers of our town!"

At that point, the Judge interrupts the process and demands from the two lawyers to approach the bench. When they do, he bends over and whispers to them:...

A lawyer was filling out a job application when he came to the question, "Have you ever been arrested?"
He answered, "No."
The next question, intended for people who had answered in the affirmative to the last one, was "Why?"
The lawyer answered it anyway: "Never got caught."

Knock me over with a feather...
Wrote a few years back soon as copper went up Bidenmobile fill up stations would be hit by scrap thieves .
The Professor and I discussed this often.
Tesla's particular station cotains over 400.00 in scrap value if grab the whole thing , and jo wants these every so many miles across country .
We will never be able to keep them operable.

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