The Gutter
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Can you imagine being a college student today and worrying about the stuff we do at 65+ instead of what is going on in world they have no concept of ...
Blood pressure , cholesterol , water retention , constipation , memory loss , can't hear shit, can't see shit , yada yada yada ...
Damn they would be dead before graduation.
Old age it aint for the young .
They couldnt take it.

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REMINDER Contest UPDATE: Cinco De Mayo pix Entries due TODAY!!

CHALLENG 1: Make the video recipe, add your pictures and reviews to this THREAD. Post by JUNE 1 and I'll pick a couple of winners. Recipe will be below in the comment section.

CHALLENGE 2: Share your Cinco De Mayo celebration pictures. Two lucky Gutters will receive Gutter merch. Please post on THIS thread by Tuesday May 7.

Recipe will be below in the comment sections:)

Listen to the end! Details will follow soon.

Have fun! Now, let’s get to it!

Hoot Hoot! I’m Way Too Cute.
Naked Man…..well almost

Here you go @myafundsarlow. Look closely

Owl Aboard!

They have perched for the first time! Flying soon.

We have hundreds of these sittin around til harvest time ...
Any of ya'll police depts . need some help movin enemies of the state .
Can get ya trained up in about 15 min.

post photo preview

I've got something I feel I need to tell you Good Folks. I'm not one who easily shares much about my life, but I think I need to unburden my mind.

I've got type 2 diabetis but I handle it well with a little pill with a big story to tell.
I take once daily Jardiance, at each days start.
Early on it was easy to see, I was lowering my A1C-e-e.
Jardiance is really SWELL .
A little pill with a big story to tell.

Every time I hear that friggin' commercial I want to put my head through the friggin' TV.
Thanks for listening. (I don't actually take that crap or have diabetis. The song is torture.) 🤮🥵🥶🥴😵😲🥺

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