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Ever I saw your face. Great song

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Naked Man…..well almost

Here you go @myafundsarlow. Look closely

Owl-iciously Adorable

Momma hasn’t come home since last night.

UPDATE: momma returned!

WINNER of the Place Your Owlet Bets…oops see below

Congratulations to @padutchprincess for correctly guessing, sadly, the egg won’t be hatching. Please keep an eye out for an email from a Gutter team member.
Please enjoy the next video taken this weekend of the 2 owlets. Some of you may have already heard this story but yesterday morning, I heard all this crazy noise outside. I look out and mama owl is up in the tree with three crows harassing her. So I grabbed some golf balls and just started throwing them at the crows. Eventually, they gave up and flew away.
Oh, and Happy Tax Day🤮🤮🤮🤮

CORRECTION: I made a little bit of an error. I originally stated winner(s).
We have two additional winners @pjparty and @Fuezie. Keep an eye on your emails.

2 hours ago

Have a safe and fun weekend 5ive.

🇺🇸I wish I could write TRUMP'S debate points if a debate happens with Biden.

TRUMP, 1,000 - Biden, 0:
1. Took no presidential salary - gave it to care for VA causes
2. We HAD safe boarders - Lowest number crossing - Wall going up
3. TRUMP cracked down on deadly drugs on crossing boarders
4. People could afford to buy a house - low interest made payments thousands less per month
5. We had a stronger military and full arsenals
6. No wars in Ukraine, Israel, and Afghanistan was in check - Biden's oil policies funded the wars in the Middle East.
7. Foreign leaders respected TRUMP
8. TRUMP and his family members are wholesome, capable, loyal, honest, ethical, high IQ, classy, leaders, athletic, Christian, Jewish, kind, strong, patriotic, self-sacrificial, honest, noble, tenacious for good causes, wise.......
9. America WAS oil independent, prices were down, we sold to other countries.
10. Sanctions controlled economics with foreign countries.
11. America was strong ...

Last tornado pic of the night! My son grabbed this one tonite in McClelland, IA. Eventful 😊

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