A note on sharing the risk:
Why do this? Why punch back?
Well if I don't, who will?
When someone falsely smears me of racism, in a public space, I must fight back; because if I don't - it's that much easier for them to do it to you.
Smear merchants must be held accountable, or they'll do it to people who can't fight back. In my case, the lies were exploited by the White House.
I must not stop until that is rectified.
It's in the dedication of my new book (The King of Late Night):
You should always share the risk.
For thats how you beat trolls and their canceling obsession.
I'll do it for you; you do it for me. Deal?
For those of you who are interested, the owls have returned to last year’s nest. The neighbors are so thrilled!! I’m being a tad sarcastic. I caught one flying to the window box Thursday evening and then to the tree in the video below. They moved all the fake flowers in the window box to make room for the growing family. No eggs yet. Just prep work.
As for my sarcasm, their daughter had to move out of her room last year due to all the owl noise. Her parents were thrilled to have a new roommate. And once the owls left the nest, they left a very disgusting, smelly mess.
Congratulations to @Benzie. Your question was chosen for tonight’s Gutfeld!
@Benzie If you could be on the cover of a magazine what magazine would you choose?