You read it right—Greg will be in KNOXVILLE April 26. If you don't have your tickets yet, you're going to miss a great show—so get them NOW! This season's kick off in Pennsylvania and Indiana were nothing short of awesome.
Here 's the deal. Let us know if you are coming to the show and we will ingratiate you with a new membership exclusive for ACTIVE SUPPORTERS. Simply reply to this post if you are attending and we will get back to you with the details.
There's a rumor that the show with the most ACTIVE SUPPORTERS in attendance will be in for a little surprise at the end the season.
That's right...Greg is coming to the great Spartanburg Memorial Auditorium in South Carolina on April 27. If you don't have your tickets yet, you're going to miss a great show—so get them NOW! This season's kick off in Pennsylvania and Indiana were nothing short of awesome.
Here 's the deal. Let us know if you are coming to the show and we will ingratiate you with a new membership exclusive for ACTIVE SUPPORTERS. Simply reply to this post if you are attending and we will get back to you with the details.
There's a rumor that the show with the most ACTIVE SUPPORTERS in attendance will be in for a little surprise at the end the season.
I think that the heros of this revolution will be remembered as Washington and Jefferson are, integral to the evolution of a magnificent and spectral ... but fragile ... American Dream. An Idea only Prometheans could invision and have the passion to protect. They come along historically, even Biblically, at just the right time ... too frequently not to be the will of God ... prophets of the divine.
Trump, Musk have survived Herculean Trials, ever more cleverly and in every case revealing not just waste and perfidy but an evil array from blatant treason to systemic bigotry. Revelations of perversity that would even make a toddler-sexual-therapist (pedophile) blush. Great men attract their like when they are brave enough to face the Gorgon armed with only a mirror. An opportunity gratefully accepted by the survivors of such Titanic tribulation, a separation from the mice from the men once again.
Despite the certainty of vile retribution, patriots heads rise ...