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GUS update

he was doing great. then we go up to the lake, and have a great time.
now he's lethargic, diarrhea, sad.
i can only wonder if its something they put on the greenery - the herbicides.
because he's sick after hes up in the country side.
i can't keep track of what he eats because i would literally have to be tied to him at all times.

that said, he's a Frenchie - and they're known for sensitivity to diet and digestion. and i need to become less panicky.

but its hard not to be. i'm going to stay up with him all night and feel lilke shit all day.

i don't know what to do. and advice can be just as toxic. because you can't change things drastically, or that causes more disruption and change that makes them react with diarrhea etc.

anyone have a frenchie out there?

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Congrats to @apalm and @ACDC_Guy! Your questions were chosen for tonight’s Gutfeld.
@APalm If you could safely commune with any exotic animal, what animal would you choose?
@ACDC_Guy Who would you want to have a cold beer/cocktail with at a local dive bar?

@ACDC_Guy video will be in a separate post due to local’s time constraints.


@ACDC_Guy Who would you want to have a cold beer/cocktail with at a local dive bar?

WINNER UPDATE: Enter you must, brave souls. A contest, this is.

@jmarkers, the winner is. Correct guess, 122 Star Wars ornaments.
@jmarkers Keep an eye out for an email from a Gutter team member
Thank you everyone for participating!

Celebrate your Christmas spirit, you must. A prize of great value await, the worthy. Enter with heart full of cheer.
Guess how many tree ornaments there are on our tree. Exact guess or closest to not going over, a prize win you will. Fun, you must have!

One entry per person. First CORRECT guess or closest without going over wins. Contest ends December 3rd midnight, Eastern Standard time.

hey all!

i know you've been wondering where i've gone! or been!
I wasn't in jail, or getting a sex change, or getting a sex change in jail.
My wife gave birth last week to a delightful little girl named Mira.
so i've been off, basically running interference between the baby and a very inquisitive french bulldog. because the baby hasn't gotten her shots, we can't let the little guy near her. so i'm basically keeping him busy while wife does that "other" stuff. its been a surreal amazing experience. Being superstitious, we didnt want to tell anyone until the baby was born. I would write more here, but i am literally on 24 hour emergency assistance - when Elena wants something I have to get it, or I get tazed.

As for Mira, she's got her mothers looks, and her fathers dislike for Brian Kilmeade. I turned on fox and friends this morning, and she cried incessantly until i turned it to something less disturbing (Dexter).

my guess is, i'll probably be back to work in the new year, no later.
but ...

Ask TOM! & The Panelists of GUTFELD!

That's right "our very own" Tom Shillue hosts this Friday's GUTFELD! Send us your questions for the "Mailin' it in Segment" by posting them below and we'll try to get to as many as possible.

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Ask TOM! & The Panelists of GUTFELD!

That's right "our very own" Tom Shillue hosts this Friday's GUTFELD! Send us your questions for the "Mailin' it in Segment" by posting them below and we'll try to get to as many as possible.

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