In the post below, CraigSolo brought up a great nagging point -- where are the bands on the show? Its something that i deeply want to do - we even have a sound stage built for it in the new studio. problem is - we are a small staff, and it takes hours of set up and rehearsal and assorted red tape that i had no idea played a role. this is why network shows can pull it off and we cant.
having said that -- i'm planning on getting this done. by end of summer.
so what bands would you like to see?
(be realistic!! - i don't see the rolling stones or aerosmith coming on).
i am a fan of new music and obviously my first choice would be Melvins.
I'd love to get Mr. Bungle. Ariel Pink. etc.
what are your choices? Please add, to this Chris!
For those of you who are interested, the owls have returned to last year’s nest. The neighbors are so thrilled!! I’m being a tad sarcastic. I caught one flying to the window box Thursday evening and then to the tree in the video below. They moved all the fake flowers in the window box to make room for the growing family. No eggs yet. Just prep work.
As for my sarcasm, their daughter had to move out of her room last year due to all the owl noise. Her parents were thrilled to have a new roommate. And once the owls left the nest, they left a very disgusting, smelly mess.