The Gutter
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Consider this your local bar, where drinking is encouraged, fans are welcome and trolls get bounced. I look forward to seeing you there.
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Hey people coming over for the first time!

This is Locals. I've been here for a while, along with other public loud mouths - to interact one on one with fans.

IT was launched after realizing that so much time and effort was spent dealing with bots, ideologues and trolls: as well as people who are marshaled by others to demand opinions or obedience that sap the fun out of talking to real people.

I made this post open to everyone, so the newcomers heading over from twitter can mix with the real subscribers here - who are awesome people. if you don't like the locals - thats on you.

the rules are minimal: this is my bar and in my bar everyone talks about things they like, have friendly debates and engage each other as if they were in person, at a bar.

if you come here with the trollishness that passes as communication at twitter you can politely fuck off. I'm the bouncer here. luckily i never really have to toss anyone.

I really love this place. My family loves it.
My sister Chris has developed a helluva a following here writing about music, and a Locals addiction simply chatting about how music affects their lives.
My other sister Les (known as "my other sister Les," ) helps with the questions and anything locals here have about content and so on. She will be launching her own content feed (based on something her and my mother shared: a love for cooking - good, bad and awful).

I do love Twitter, but its still a vulnerable irritating place for charlatans to claim things about you, or direct mindless trolling to you. I go on Twitter to promote the shows, and the live concerts, and other stuff. Its pretty fun, because i have contacts in music and comedy that i relate with in DMs, so i keep it around. i think i have around 3 million followers.

But recently an attention seeker publicly accused me of something so silly, that it wasn't worth directly responding to. Mind you it was a person who had my contact info -and could have easily settled whatever problem he had directly - but he didnt. cuz he didnt want to. he went public on twitter because he needed to sell a book. He severed a pretty good and decent relationship with me. I can't trust anyone that picks clicks over character.

so to the accusation - i never ban people on my shows.
i just don't invite them back if they suck.
(thats a fun list to go thru - one day when i'm drunk i'll give you a great insight into who really stank up the place on redeye!)
i was accused of banning someone, so that person could feed off the Tucker limelight, albeit briefly. and i think its worked - but it always fades. Friendships based on trust and transparency dont.

I talk to Tucker regularly, by the way, and he's never been happier.
Personally i might never know what went down two months ago. I was as shocked as you were. And every time i believe it went one way, I find out that it might have gone another. so my advice, when someone on twitter claims something happened - if you believe it, thats on you.

PS: the only fun part about twitter, is blocking obnoxious people - because they expect you to somehow accept their ignorant or NPC comments. Nope - i owe you nothing if you're that dumb.

so, if you're here at Locals for the first time, check it out. give it a month. You'll find it a healthier more positive place to interact with people like you!


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CHALLENGE: Make the video recipe, add your pictures and reviews to this THREAD. Post by JUNE 1 and I'll pick a couple of winners. Recipe will be below in the comment section.

Listen to the end!

Have fun! Now, let’s get to it!

34 seconds ago

June 15, 1987: Pet Shop Boys released the single ''It's a Sin''.

'When we brought out “It’s a Sin,” it was quite interesting, because people took it really seriously; the song was intended as a camp joke and it wasn’t something I consciously took very seriously. The local parish priest in Newcastle delivered a sermon on it, and reflected on how the Church changed from the promise of a ghastly hell to the message of love.'' - Neil Tennant

''I’ve become less religious as I’ve got older. Even when I wrote ''It’s a Sin'' part of me was probably still a Catholic. The thing that I always liked about Catholicism they got rid of! I liked the Latin and the incense and the sort of music and plainsong. When I was eight years old I could sing the Latin mass in plainsong because I was an altar boy.'' Neil Tennant

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