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(this post will only be available for active supporters, for 24 hours. then open up for the other total members later)

I have no interest in being a republican, a democrat, or a libertarian.
Don’t even mentioned the Green Party. Anyone who worships the almighty dollar makes me sick.

Parties suck.
I was always more of a fan of the “after parties.”
You know: The thing, after the thing. Where the people at the first thing already are in an Uber heading to a Marriott Express for a sound sleep or a desperate wank.

As a men’s magazine editor is my 30’s, I threw more than a few of them, and they were always more fun than that initial party celebrating a new movie, or a new vacuous cover girl who would end up marrying Dennis Rodman. And then divorcing Dennis Rodman.

That party was usually reserved for promoters, ad salesman and unsightly staffers. Generally, they lasted 2 hours, consisted of sweaty people doing lines of badly stepped on cocaine in bathrooms, morose security on walkie-talkies trying to ignore the impatient sniffers, and throngs of glassy eye bro’s eyeing the only two models present –eastern European types both desperately waiting for a Wilson brother to show up to bang in a closet (usually it was Owen). It was a banal, conformist affair. I would skip it and always head to the after party.
Which often, happily, was no party at all.
It was just for the interesting, quiet people who kept to themselves in a dark bar, or someone’s house in the hills. People were kind, no rough housing, and the drugs were way better.

You see where I am going with this.
It’s time for the After Party.

The next thing after the Republican, Democrat and Libertarian parties.
Those parties are dead.
Again: It’s time for the After Party.

What’s the After Party, you ask?
It’s the party for people like you and me who aren’t slaves to ideologies. IN fact, we may be entirely non-ideological. We may disagree on everything, but then, be hardly disagreeable at all. We want to be proven wrong, rather than our beliefs validated in a bubble. we see politics as a buffet. we can pick what we like, and not have to inhale everything.

To summarize the After Party: it is a place for red-pilled grownups to be honest about the world, without worrying about being ruined for it. We are outside this duopoly, and the media industrial complex. We see the world for what it is. We don’t play team sport politics. We play for the bigger reward: enlightenment.


To quote the Scott Adam’s rule of jerks:
If you think a group of people can be fairly defined by the worst person in the group, the worst person in your group is you.
The goal of the After Party: to assume the best in people, not the worst.
This is important as you evolve (an elitist term for “getting older”).
When I was a teen, I was a lefty. And I saw everyone on the right as evil. I defined the right as the worst person in their group. Then when I got to college and saw real leftism up close, I switched sides, and became a righty. But still: I committed that sin – I defined the other side by the worst person in their group. I had gotten smarter, but not by much. Once I shed that reflex, I grew. Not literally grew. That’s impossible at my age. But you get the idea.

You know why I’m ignoring all those stories by smart conservatives telling us that to save the republican party must require impeachment? Because, really, ,has the republican party ever tried to save anyone from being canceled? Have they ever stuck their neck out for anyone? Nope. They only leap to your defense, when it’s safe. Unlike Trump. He never hesitated to defend people under attack. Did Mitt Romney ever defend anyone? Remember the Ric Grinnell story? Republicans only defend republicans when there’s no chance of blow back. So you owe them nothing.

The After Party’s goal is to provide a barrier against cancel culture. We don’t’ need to defend losers but we should protect those considered odd. We need to reject the annihilation of people simply because 15 dweebs on twitter hate their gender. Here’s why: no one else will do it.
Corporations won’t do it. Comedians won’t even do it for their friends. Hell, even family members won’t do it. We need a real movement to counter what is currently eating this country from the inside – conformity fascists who wish to punish you for rejecting their own pathetic perspective on life. These are lemmings violently angry that you aren’t leaping off a cliff with them.

What makes this crazy orb go round are the very people being targeted by the banal members of the media academic industrial complex. The moment you see someone who thinks outside the box being fitted for a coffin, you better stand up and defend them. You know who those people are. One of them is Dave Rubin. Leaving the left could have ruined him, but instead the sensible souls of the world welcomed and defended him, and now he is a media mogul sending me checks every week.

I believe all drugs should be legal. Sold over the counter. At Walgreens. At Duane Reade.
No prescription necessary.
“Even heroin, Greg?” you ask. “Especially heroin” I say.
Does that mean I want to sit around and discuss how great legalizing drugs would be – because I know that to be true? No. I would rather hear cogent disagreeable arguments to test the strength of my own beliefs.
I’ve made some mistakes in my life by ignoring people or ridiculing them, simply because they held different beliefs. And it didn’t serve me well. Back in my Huffington Post days (15 years ago, or so – believe it or not, I was there at the launch), I would mock people like Glenn Greenwald and Matt Tiabbi, among others. I had my reasons, but I bet they weren’t well-tested. Because I wasn’t so much as interested in seeing my ideas challenged. I now enjoy its I also enjoy Greenwald and Tiabbi – and see in them stuff I obviously missed way back when. That’s on me, not them.

The cancellers will play a game of contact contamination – and here’s one example tied to me:
A very hip musician happens to be an acquaintance of mine, and we chat periodically about stuff, usually in Twitter DMs. One day he emailed me and said that he’d been contacted by a well-known music website, who had noticed that he followed me on twitter. And they wanted to know why.
The message was received: “if you follow greg gutfeld, we’ll do a story on it, and it won't be good for you.”
This happens a lot, to me.
You just saw what happened to Ariel Pink for showing up to a rally to support the President.
His music label dropped him – what cowards they are.

What’s interesting to me: how you get punished for having far more interesting friends, and a far more interesting life, than the actual punishers – who are generally very unlikeable people.

It would be good if you read my book, The Plus, but you don’t have to.
The After Party is a party for positive people. For people who want to engage with other people about stuff that interests them, politically and culturally.
The bottom line: it’s really all about culture. And we need to win some of it back. Or it will be all gone soon.

So to answer your questions:

how do you join the After Party? If you read this, and you like it: you just did.

Will the After Party present candidates for election? Maybe. That’s a lot of work. But
Sure, why not?! I would like one day to be mayor of major city. Perhaps Emeryville, California, or New Hope, Pa.

What do you hope to accomplish? A real party with real people who are willing to fight the cancel culture woke brigade to the very end. If there’s nobody willing to do this, then let it be us, for fuck’s sake.

At any rate, below, in the comment sections please add your name, to the membership list, with a goal or a suggestion for the AfterParty party planks. The planks should be strong enough to hold at least 200 people partying on a deck without collapsing.

Okay – lastly who’s in charge of the After Party?
Spiritually, it’s me. But other than that – its headless. Much like the prime time lineup on CNN.

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