The Gutter
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[reminder: the GG show re-airs tonight at 10 pm eastern]

My buddy Joe Derosa - a successful comic and now actor (I think he’s in Better Call Saul playing a shady doctor or something), once told me of something he calls selective listening.
When people get angry over a joke he makes onstage, because it hits too close to home, they tune out everything else – including all of the previous jokes he made that they laughed uproariously at. I might love his jokes about hairy women and fat dudes, but… did he just make a joke about my height? That’s it!!!
And what comes next? These words: “I used to like you, but now….”

This is now happening with some people, over the election results.
I’ve been getting a few like this on Twitter: “Greg, I love you - but I am no longer watching your show, because I hate (insert name of whomever you please), and I am going to watch (insert name of whatever).”

My response to this is simple:

If it only took that one upsetting thing to leave me, then you weren’t really with me to begin with.

A true fan gets me and my work. A fan understands the amount of sweat, blood and tears I put into every segment. You see my stack of notes for even the most mundane topics. You hear my intricate, oddball monologues that require minutes of writing, but hours of editing. You know I am here for you. I am not here for the money – or frankly I would be somewhere else.
So when someone writes to me and says, “Used to be a fan, but no more,” I call bullshit. You weren’t a fan. Unless it’s a fair-weather one. But take care!

My second response to people advising me to go somewhere else, because YOU are mad at the coverage – let me be clear: I will never take career advice from people on twitter. I do not tell you what to do for a living or what job you should seek or quit, so spare me. And again, anyone accusing me of chasing a paycheck clearly has no idea about my career.

Now, are you right to be upset?
Hell yes. We all are. But you gotta deal with it without lashing at those who do not deserve it.
Are you made that Fox called Arizona early? Express that. But telling me if I don’t quit, I am a sell-out, is hilarious.

Speaking of hilarious – its fucking hysterical that the side now preaching unity to us, had called us all nazis and racists for 4 years. They hounded us online. They attacked us in the street. They screamed and chased us out of restaurants. And now some of their most famous names are demanding a list to name and shame us.
And, yet, they preach unity.
HA. They only wanted unity after they threatened us with violence.

You saw my apartment. Boarded up like a Russian speakeasy.
Was that because the city was worried about trump supporters rioting over a biden loss?
No, it was the reverse. If trump won, there would be blood.
That notion – pushed by the media and the left, impacted the election. We as a nation were being blackmailed by mobs. And the democrats and media didn’t mind at all.

And like I said last night: if one side believes YOU are Hitler, why wouldn’t they cheat… against Hitler? If you didn’t, you are appeasing Hitler. There’s no question there are illegalities in this election. Its just going to be difficult to prove them. We’ll need what Scott Adams calls a digital audit.

And speaking of Adams – he posited a very important thought experiment.
You saw how trump supporters reacted to Biden’s win. Peacefully.
If the results are overturned (if say, PA or AZ gets reversed), will Biden supporters react in kind?
No. Because they really aren’t Biden supporters at all.
Driving uptown to the Fox Studios last night, I didn’t hear one chant about Joe Biden. I just heard “fuck Trump.” These are not complex people, comfortable with nuance.
So if the election changes, there will be widespread chaos.

And the media couldn’t give a damn. And they’re back to their old tricks.
Last week they blamed 200k deaths on Trump. This week, they’re doing stories on Biden’s pets. I’m not joking. Its as if one massive horrifying story just disappeared!

Mwanwhile, Mollie Hemingway underlines the media’s clear disdain for people like us, in a cogent tweet, in which I’ll paraphrase:
The media was soooooo greatly concerned about the emotions and pain of the Democrats after Trump won in 2016. Such concern is missing for Republican voters after this election.
Why? In my opinion, it’s because…
-they don’t like you.
-they don’t know you.
-they’re petty assholes.

Fact is, if they spent 4 years pushing bullshit Russian conspiracies to undermine trumps tenure, we can have a month or so to review the election results, especially for a contest that was fraught with so much angst and suspicion.

Finally - I said this on the GG show – for those of you making a list of people who supported Trump, in order to punish them…please put me on that list.
Come at me. You won’t stand a chance.

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We’re in CaHOOTS

For those of you who are interested, the owls have returned to last year’s nest. The neighbors are so thrilled!! I’m being a tad sarcastic. I caught one flying to the window box Thursday evening and then to the tree in the video below. They moved all the fake flowers in the window box to make room for the growing family. No eggs yet. Just prep work.
As for my sarcasm, their daughter had to move out of her room last year due to all the owl noise. Her parents were thrilled to have a new roommate. And once the owls left the nest, they left a very disgusting, smelly mess.

Ask Greg Winning questions

Congratulations to @Fuezie and @KenLeeK. Your questions were chosen for tonight’s Ask Greg.

@Fuezie What’s your favorite sound that brings a smile to your face?

@KenLeeK What is the biggest fib you told as a kid?


Congratulations to @APalm. Your question was chosen for tonight’s Gutfeld!

@APalm What unrecognized or obscure group deserves to have its history recognized for a whole month?


Congratulations to @Benzie. Your question was chosen for tonight’s Gutfeld!

@Benzie If you could be on the cover of a magazine what magazine would you choose?

1 hour ago

An Olympic (& American) History Bit:
THIS DAY IN HISTORY: On February 22, 1980, the U.S. Olympic hockey team defeated the heavily favored Soviet Union team 4-3 in the Winter Olympics in Lake Placid, N.Y., in a shocking upset remembered as the "Miracle on Ice."

post photo preview

@johnconner2046 is still helping DOGE and they love having a manly man there to help with non-computer related items. He's got his tool belt on and has been running maintanence on some of the offices they are working in.

Also he has been entertaining them with some "tool" humor jokes....

Some guy told me I was a tool
So I got hammered and nailed his girlfriend

My wife sometimes calls me a sex machine
Well, her exact words were "fucking tool" but I knew what she meant.

Saw a guy in the power tool department at Home Depot who looked a lot like Elvis.
Returned A Sander.

And now some memes...First one is for Pam Bondi...release the Kraken

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